It’s either NOW or never

As I stated in my latest post, “the arrogance of the ruling elite…” is not doing anything for the truth to be set free. This “game” has been played long enough, and to keep doing what has always been done, ie just divulging snippets of truth will not do the trick. I have no issues with witholding some details to “win a war”, but the bulk of the information would have been better to just unleash. The so called “truth movement” keeps repeating that WE, you and I, can’t handle the truth so we need to be drip fed, or “shown bit by bit” in order to not go completely crazy. I couldn’t agree any less.

Assange had it right, to expose the truth is a very efficient way of “swaying the public opinion”. Where would we have been if it weren’t for Assange? Still in the dark, that’s where. Truth has a way of clearing the cobwebs, brutally sometimes, for sure, but still efficiently. This charade that has been going on where the strategy is to keep us in the dark, as those who boasts to “have it all” keep doing, will most certainly not sway the public opinion to the degree necessary. If you “have it all” the time has certainly come to – SHOW US THE MONEY – or in simpler terms “RIP OFF THE BANDAID”. If some people go crazy – so be it. Most human beings can handle the truth albeit experience varying degrees of discomfort. But it is painfully obvious by now that the truth, a huge portion of it at the very least, needs to be laid out for us to see.

It is becoming more and more unteneable to continue with this strategy. The mistrust of information is at an all time high, and that of course includes ALL information. The frustration building because of the “we have it all” together with “all media is controlled by the good guys” while what we can see are still just tidbits, cloaked clues and nothing, absolutely nothing, is stated in clear, unecivocable and nondebateable truth, is just ensuring that whenever or if ever, they try to use the media to disclose “all that they have” it will not work. The mistrust now includes those that may actually do good! A failed strategy if I ever saw one.

The point of no return is here.

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