It’s all about FOR or AGAINST – the name of the game is polarization

Arn’t you getting tired of being asked to choose between FOR or AGAINST at every turn? For or against Trump/Biden, Ukraine/Russia, vaccines/health, Nato/sovereignity, WHO/common sense, religion/sanity or whatever else is up.

The idea is to keep us combatting, at odds with each other, petty arguments and separated by a thousand different topics which are all truly beside the point. As long as we allow ourselves to be played this way, to be in constant resistance or hatred against this or that, or for this or that for that matter the real issues will never surface. All this black and white thinking is not going to get us anywhere – it is not meant to either. The only result of that is that we are locked in a never ending battle, serving nobody but those pulling the strings.

To refuse to be swayed by these forces it’s about time we, the majority, took five to get a bigger picture. Because as long as we fight amongst ourselves about all these manufactured issues, they can do pretty much whatever they like in the background while we’re busy staring at the wrong things. It’s like seeing someone caught in a blazing fire who is loudly complaining about a broken nail while the people around them are set ablaze!

I’m sure most of you know that the primary skill of a magician is to distract, to entice you to look at the waving hand, the waving wand, the bright colours, while the other hand is actually doing the trick. The question we should all ask ourselves is why the so called leaders of our countries, our industries etc, need to use this strategy. What are they doing with the hand they keep out of sight from us? Why do we keep on watching the distractions?

Realize that if they were up to something we, the populations would approve of, they’d be the first to announce it. So why the show and dance? Because we, the people, are too stupid to be informed? Because they are “protecting” us from “truths” we couldn’t possibly understand? The lack of transparency, of honesty and authenticity should be obvious to everyone.

The arrogance of this “ruling elite” is beyond disturbing. Who do they think they are?

I’ve never been much for magicians of this kind, they don’t impress me, they don’t fascinate me, they are just tiresome. And so are the “political games” we are now watching. Who needs magicians when life in and of itself can be magic, truly magic, if these puppeteers were put behind bars instead. No true evolution or expansion is possible as long as this goes on.

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