Once upon a time…..

Once upon a time there was this planet, a beautiful green and blue planet, where foods grew naturally, where animals roamed free, the waters were fresh and the produce nutritious, and human beings had the possibility to live their lives in alignment with nature. Life could have been just fantastic, even paradisical, on this planet, but as it usually is in fairytales, there were dark clouds on the horizon. A few parasitic and evil beings who had the capacity to think big, thought that they should re-make this wondrous place into their own twisted back-yard.

They schemed and planned and little by little they forced both nature and humans to comply with their rules, under threat of death. They amassed wealth and power and before the people were able to realize what they’d done, they were stuck in systems that seemed impossible to break. The evil ones knew full well, that in order to gain control of the whole planet they had to “boil the frogs” (humans) slowly so they’d stay in the pot of ever increasing hot water. Their plans were intricate, evil and implemented in a pace where the average human being didn’t see it coming.

But, as always, there was a counterforce brewing. It also planned and schemed to expose the evil ones but was many times stopped and attacked and though the work went on, they had to go underground to continue. As things escalated more and more people became aware that something was very wrong. Individuals here and there tried to get attention, to inform others of the abuse that was going on, but most of the time the masses were so blinded by the evil forces, posing as saviours, they couldn’t hear the message or they simply choose not to.

As time went on the parasites became more and more bold and implemented things no sane human being would have ever condoned had they not been poisoned and coerced and so those in the resistance upped their game too and used whatever means they could. As a matter of fact they had succeeded in gathering data, in covertly decimating the parasites to a greater degree than was publically known. However they feared that if they exposed the whole truth, the evil that had been (and still was) perpetrated, they’d cause public panic and instead choose to use the same strategy used by the poisonous ones, and spoon fed the public.

Yes turmoil was brewing and many ordinary people started to see what was going on. However the hope that at first was powerful and instigated many to research, to find information, to share information to prove that the “rulers” were rotten to the core, began to fade. It flared up, it burned for quite a long while, but the resitance movements hesitancy to actually disclose what they knew had an unwanted effect. People started to loose interest, there were too many promises of future attractions and not nearly enough actual actions. Their strategy to spoonfeed the masses, which had worked so well for the monsters didn’t have the same effect when it came to good news, or disclosures.

Fear is different than hope, even though fear also needs to be fed continuously it is mixed with “solutions” to calm the masses and cement the notion that those scaring them are in fact those who will save them. Hope is a very different energy. It can seem similar to fear, but it is not. Hope though entailing uncertainty, spurs the courage and energy to change, to stand tall, to be resilient and the awareness that fears have to be faced in order to create the necessary change. Hope doesn’t make you hide or cower nor does it make you blindly obey, it makes you bold, action minded and courageous. Therefore it needs reassurance, confirmation and proof that it is not in vain. If sufficiently supplied with that, it will burn brightly and light up the path for others.

When hope is asked to live for too long without a clear view of the manifestation of the necessary change, it will flicker off and die. Doubts enter, trust vanes and soon the hopeful ones start to question each other, just as much as they question the bottom dwellers. That is the beginning of the end of the resistance. When that happens, words, no matter how loud, on “coming greatness”, will simply not suffice.

At this point in this fairy-tale, we do not know if there will ever be a “happily ever after”. It depends on the resistance willingness to take a chance and trust that ordinary human beings inherently are good and can handle the painful insights that tell them that they have all been living a lie. That the truth, as they say, in fact will set them free.

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