NOW is the time to flex & stretch your mind

A rigid mind rejects most things new, most things different and most things which are outside the proverbial boxmind created during life. We all have different areas where we have built these structures in our minds to “make sense of the world”. However, the key to be able to change and expand our minds is to understand that these walls are based on what we knew at the time. As life goes by, we always have the opportunity to learn new things and in order to “go with the flow” and thereby prosper, we benefit from flexing our mind-muscles and at times stretching it beyond it’s present capacity.

This is always a good measure to keep a healthy mind, but NOW, more than ever before, humanity needs to willingly allow their minds to be flexed and even stretched for them. Things will be disclosed, information will be published that many will find objectable and they will try to ignore or refuse this “attack” on their mind-structures. These are the people who will suffer the most. The more your resist what is coming, the harder it gets.

To allow your mind to open up, not only to take in the new, but most importantly to let go of your past beliefs and perceptions, will make the difference between experiencing the times ahead as exciting and filled with promises or the “end of the world, as in apocalyptic”.

We all know and understand that flexing and stretching our bodies is good for our health, a body in movement, agile and strong is what we all would like to enjoy. We do not as often talk about what a difference an agile mind can do, but the same principles apply. If we never stretch or flex our bodies and muscles, we become stiff and our movements will seem restricted and even painful. The same goes for people who keep their minds closed to everything outside their past experience. Who refuses to question what they think they “know”, who feel threatened by anything that questions their specific world view. To force a body, completely unpracticed in flexing and stretching can cause severe damage and a mind not used, or not prepared for change, monumental change, will be an impediment of humongous proportions when just about everything around you is about to change. This is why we sometimes say; “it blows my mind”. Make sure your mind isn’t blown to smithereens.

You do this by practicing questioning your beliefs, not all of them at once, just enough to notice that the world doesn’t come to an end just because you realize that what you have belived your whole life wasn’t so. It could be small things like how you like your eggs or bigger things how you handle anger, your religion, political views, etc, question them and give your mind a chance to see new opportunities, new possibilities, play with it. Change for a change.

What’s happening in the world, with humanity, right now, is something completely different than what has ever happened before. Most of what you thought you knew will come crashing down, most of what we have all believed to be true will be proven false.

If you fear change, if you fear being proven “wrong” or shiver at the thought of having been played like a fool, it will be painful. But if you can prepare your mind and yourself to see that whatever the mind makes up is as dynamic as water, your fear will diminish and you’ll know that in time all this will “make sense” to you as well.

To have a rigid mind is like walking through life carrying a heavy piece of rock. Even if you are pushed into deep water, you’ll hold on to the rock and it will drag you down and cause your demise. If you choose to let go of your rock (your beliefs, your perceptions, your pre-conceived ideas), you will have both arms free to swim to the shore if, or rather, when, you find yourself pushed into a deep and tumultous river. I assure you, the time will come when you will need to let the rock go.

If you saw someone, dragging a heavy rock around wherever they go, “for safety”, you’d either feel an inclination to laugh at the silliness of it, decide that the person is mentally challenged or be overhwhelmed by pity. What most of us never realize however is that we all do this, to some degree or other. The more rigid your mind, the bigger the rock. To challenge your mind – and even to have your mind challenged, is in fact rejuvenating – if you’ll only allow it, or as I suggest, do it on purpose, it will serve you well!

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